Obsidian Dust, the dynamic collaboration between Pedro Díaz and Emile Makhlouf emerges as a vibrant musical force with roots in Venezuela and tendrils stretching between New York and Mexico City. Former comrades in local bands Shangri Suite and Electrocirkus Pedro and Emile forged a musical bond that transcends borders. Hailing from the vibrant Venezuelan scene, both musicians converged in cover collaborations, sowing the seeds of Obsidian Dust. Drawing inspiration from Hard Rock legends such as Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, and Metallica, they crafted a sound that continues to evolve. Fueled by their shared passion for Rock N Roll music, this promising duo is poised to make waves in the music industry with their fresh and authentic approach. On March 29th, they launched their debut single, Black Cloud marking a significant milestone in their journey. Recently on June 7th their second single, Rulers of the Night was released. From the initial chords struck in Venezuela to the pulsating vibes of New York and Mexico City, Obsidian Dust marks a new chapter in the saga of emerging rock. Embark on the journey and immerse yourself in the ever-expanding sonic universe of Obsidian Dust!"Paragraph. Haz clic aquí para editar.